Late on Friday 12 August 2016, it was announce that another client of the law firm Canarian Legal Alliance has been awarded a substantial amount of money. In this instance the High Court No 2 of las Palmas awarded over 66,907€ plus interest and legal fees against Anfi.
Again this is following on from the rulings laid down by the Supreme Court, that contracts over 50 years (perpetuity) are illegal. The court also affirmed that the selling of floating weeks in accordance with Supreme Court rulings was also illegal. In accordance with 18 rulings from this court the contract has been declared null & void.
This goes to show all the lower courts are now accepting the rulings as a matter of course, although the companies involved do have a right of appeal, this is very unlikely to succeed. Obviously this also will have the effect of speeding up the process and we will probably see cases entering the system at a faster rate.
Tauro Beach about 1 year ago.
On the point of the Tauro Beach Project, the Mayor of Mogan Onalia Bueno has also stated she is against any more man made beaches in the Mogan area. She has also criticised plans to give private companies 50 year concessions for the exploitation of the coastline in the areas of Medio Almud and Los Frailes. Unfortunately the Mayor has no authority in this matter, it comes under the Coastal Authority and the Ministry of the Environment, so will we see a mobilisation of local people to fight and demonstrate against any new proposals and plans?
As for the beach at Tauro, many of the local people have been busy with wheelbarrows and sacks, creating sandbags to build a small buttress to protect themselves from the next high tides. These bags are also ready to be placed in front of the entrances to the homes to try and prevent the flooding and damage they suffered at the beginning of August, the next high tide is 20 August. September will also see very high tides, these are known as the Mar del Pino, if these tides also coincide with any adverse weather out in the Atlantic, the flooding and damage could be worse.
It would seem that very little is being done for the people of this community, the head of the Coastal Authority Rafael Lopez Orive held a meeting with the heads of Anfi, the only thing reported was he is going to Measure the Beach! In other words checking the beach conforms to the measurements authorised by the regeneration project.
Regarding the reports filed with the Guardia Civil, the residents have been informed that proceedings have been openned. One resident who has been there for over 14 years, has said that they know the tides will be high and the flooding will not stop. It was also reported that the people do not want to move, it is their home and community.
For those of you who are members and owners of Anfi, how do you feel that local people are being disregarded in this way. Anfi have shown in the past they have a total disrespect for the law, this is proven by the court cases against them. We know also that all is not well between the two partners, the Lyng family and the Santana Cazorla Group, there have been rumblings between them for years. (see link Battle of the Partners).
Through social media Inside Timeshare is in contact with several of the residents, who kindly keep us informed of developments as they happen. It is only because of this media that the community can get their story out into the open. (Follow the links below).
Tauro Photo Gallery
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