Inside Timeshare was today asked to check out another company calling about timeshare claims, FHA Marketing.
Their website:
There is no address given on the website only a phone number 0121 667 9401 which is Birmingham.
Shows no company information, no Company House registration number, then when searching Company House we find no record of any company with this name. The website itself was only registered on 15 March 2017, so is a very new company. The registrant is hidden by a privacy service, so there is no way to find out who is behind it.
Inside Timeshares contact called the company as they had been informed of the call by one of their own clients, when they asked about company details and registration numbers they were told “sorry I wouldn’t know anything about that I only manage the call center”. Well, surely if you are working for a company you would have all those details to hand.
They say in their email that they are working with a number of legal teams across the UK, running compensation claims against timeshare companies. They also go into some detail about the “groundbreaking” court rulings which are making this possible.
Their “legal actions” are processed by “claims assessors” who collate information for a claim on a no win no fee basis. These assessors offices are in Redditch with a satellite office in Manchester, the only company found in Redditch with an office in Manchester is RSB Legal. (So are they working with them?).
If the claim is successful it will be split 70/30 with 70% going to the client, this is the same figure for RSB Legal. Now the other factor to bare in mind is, even if the claim is successful you will still own your timeshare and be able to use it. If you want to be rid of it the assessor will give “free, independent and valuable advice on this”. (I will also wager that it will be a very hefty cost).
So it looks like they are going down the section 75 credit consumer act route.
There is only one problem with this, Inside Timeshare has not come across any case where a section 75 claim has paid out for any timeshare. After all you will have owned it for many years and been using it, so the credit card company quite rightly will claim that there is no claim as you have received the goods and services you paid for. Just because the law now says that any timeshare purchased in Spain which breaches their timeshare laws makes the contract illegal is not a basis for a claim.
The only way to claim for a mis-sold timeshare under the Spanish law is through legal action in court (which will aslo make the contract null & void) using a bona fide law firm with experience in this field. These are actually very few and far between as most law firms would not touch this area before the law was clarified by the Supreme Court. Which also brings up the point of the comment at the end of their email:
“Latest ruling from European Supreme Court in relation to perpetuity –
EU LAW states that ‘’timeshares can only be sold for a period of between 3 and 50 years’’.
This ruling was not from the “European Supreme Court” which does not exist, it is known as the European Court of Justice.
This ruling was made by the Spanish Supreme Court in Madrid, with the first and subsequent 50 rulings being secured by only one law firm, which we have mentioned here in the past, Canarian Legal Alliance. These rulings also only apply to timeshares purchased in Spain since January 1999 when the law 42/98 was enacted.
The EU Timeshare Directive is not law, they are just that, “directives”, which member states should enact into their own domestic laws. Spain included the maximum term for contracts no longer than 50 years as they believe it is wrong to enter into a contract with your children inheriting a contract they never agreed to. Spain also included the “Points and Floating weeks” systems, as these did not provide any tangible product as they are a “right to use” and “subject to availability”.
So once again the point of the story is due diligence, do your homework, ask the questions, can they prove what they say? How long have they been in business? Are they registered companies? (Although this in itself does not mean they are legitimate).
If you have been contacted by any company and want to know about them or how to find the information for yourself contact Inside Timeshare and we will point you in the right direction, after all that is what we do day in day out.
The post FHA Marketing: Who are They? appeared first on Inside Timeshare.