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TATOC: The Fallen Angel of Timeshare.


TESS has published the court judgement in the case they brought against TATOC and Harry Taylor, this follows the publication by TATOC remarks made about TESS.


Judgement against TATOC

TATOC accused TESS of running a cold call campaign and calling them a “scam” company, this verdict is very damaging for Harry Taylor and TATOC, which we know has now gone into administration.

tatoc logo

The trial took place at the Liverpool Civil and Family Court on 15 May 2017, the defendant Harry Taylor did not attend.

The court were satisfied that liability was established and that s1 Defamation Act 2013 test had been met. The court ordered the following:

  1. Judgement be entered for the Claimant.
  2. The Claimant is awarded:
  1. £75,000 by way of general damages to be payable forthwith;
  2. £100,000 by way of special damages to be payable forthwith;

The Defendant shall pay the claimant’s costs of and occasioned by the claim summarily assessed in the sum of £100,000 forthwith.

The court also stated that if the defendant disobeys the order they would be held in contempt of court and may be fined or have their assets seized.

So a very expensive day for TATOC. Well they did ask for it.

On Tuesday 16 May TATOC posted on FacebookTimeshare Association (Timeshare Owners and Committees) (“TATOC”) and its Chief Executive, Harry Taylor, have been subjected to many unfounded allegations in the social media and elsewhere to which neither TATOC nor Harry Taylor have responded, concentrating on the core business of TATOC which is to represent and protect the interests of timeshares and committees”.

Harry Taylor


This author posted several comments, which began a string of other comments, for some reason it is no longer on there, the only comment is from someone who say they met Harry and found him a gentleman, with Harry thanking him for his kind words!

This author stated that Harry Taylor was a former Director at Diamond Resorts European Collection Limited, his reply was he was never a director. Well according to company house records there was a Henry Taylor, along with the same birthday as Harry, could it be a twin brother? I think not, after all Prince Henry Windsor, is known as Prince Harry!

Henry Taylor
His Twin Brother HENRY TAYLOR

Then when we look at the director records of company house it lists Harry Taylor’s directorships, lo and behold Diamond Resorts European Collection Limited is listed along with his others including TATOC.

So apart from duping The House of Lords, Parliament, the EU, Citizens Advice and others into believing that he and TATOC are or rather were, the VOX POPULI of timeshare owners he denies the recorded fact he is listed as a Diamond director.



So who do you believe?

The author also asked if Harry Taylor was such a champion of timeshare owners, why did he back MacDonald Resorts to the hilt when they “forced” fixed week owners into their points system, saying that it was the best thing they good do and it would be better for them?

Well we all know about MacDonald’s, this company has not been a member of the RDO since 2005, yet were a staunch supporter of Harry Taylor and TATOC. I leave it to you to decide why?

MacDonalds are one of the downright ugly as the late Sandy Grey would say in his piece “The good, the bad and the ugly of timeshare”.

Ugly is not really a word I would use, despicable is more like it with a few profanities thrown in. After all Inside Timeshare has been highlighting a case of an 87 year old lady who is house bound and being chased for maintenance she does not owe. This has been passed to debt collecting agency, Network Credit Services in Scotland and they are threatening to take her to court.

So that is that, if they don’t pay what the court has ordered, which given their present financial difficulties, could we see Harry and the other directors losing their personal assets?


Inside Timeshare looks forward to the next episode of TATOC: The Fallen Angel of Timeshare.

We welcome your views and comments, so do get in touch and share with the rest of the timeshare community who have been misled over the years.


The post TATOC: The Fallen Angel of Timeshare. appeared first on Inside Timeshare.

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