This family is certainly growing fast, the fake law firm from Tenerife has given birth to another fake lawyers office.
This one is called Armando Gareca Abogados, this one also has an office in Madrid as well as Tenerife, and according to their website, they are also engaged in law practice in Argentina.
The website was created on 20 May 2017 so is only 12 days old, the owner is also hidden by a privacy protection service.
It is exactly the same layout as all the others, with some new photographs added, one in particular shows a “lawyer” with the Argentinian flag behind him. They also show several official logos just to add credibility to their “firm”.
The scenario is the same as all the others, your timeshare company is being taken to court and you can be included in the case, you only have to pay the procurator fees to be included. Then, yes, you have guessed it, within weeks you have won your case and the cheque is waiting for you. But to receive this wonderful cheque you have to pay the “TAX”, probably the same amount as we have seen with the others, 10% of the awarded amount.
The address they give in Tenerife is:
38002, Edificio 14, Calle de Valentín Sanz, 16, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, Spain
This address is the same for Abel Garcia and Abogacia Española, mentioned in previous articles, with the following telephone numbers:
For Tenerife:
Telephone: Freephone: 0800 802 1 885
Tenerife: 0034 822 680 067
For Madrid:
Calle del Halcón, 36, 402c, 28025, Madrid
Telephone: Freephone: 0800 802 1 778
Madrid: 0034 910 604 232
For Argentina:
Telephone: Argentina: 0054 387 480 0324
They also show 2 email addresses:
The letter which you receive tells when the firm was founded, must admit it is an exact date, Wednesday 27th June 1990. Wow, to be able to remember the day is really impressive. They also give their CIF number (Codigo de Identificación Fiscal) AS201411031, which if their past ones are anything to go by is fake.
This letter opens with an apology for contacting you in this manner, but it was deemed necessary as the number of complaints received by the European Complaints Authority has increased dramatically over the past 12 months. A body which if you google it, doesn’t actually exist.
It then goes on (3 pages worth) about the changes in timeshare law, and how greedy the timeshare companies are, (well we do have to agree with that one). But one of the best paragraphs is where they talk about “bogus and Fraudulent companies”, so are they talking about themselves?
Click on the link below to see the letter.
Armando_Gareca_Abogados redacted
There is a new name signing this one; Ramon Quajada Canil, sounds familiar, or is it just another take on the following names from the other members of this “family” (breeding like rabbits):
Ramon Quilnar Canal for Litigious Abogados
Ramon Quenan Cansal for Litigr Abogados
Ramon Quilon Climol for Abogacia Española
Ramon Quena Cinol for Abel Garcia
At the foot of letter they also shows other official looking bodies, such as Asociación Española de Asesores Fiscal; Asociación Economistas, Colegio de Santa Cruz de Tenerife; Asociación de asesores Fiscales de Canarias.
Don’t be fooled by all this, it is one very clever and well thought out fraud, with new law firms popping up all the time. We just wonder how long before the next one is born!
If you have had any contact from any of the “Firms” related to this, Inside Timeshare would like to hear from you. Do not be fooled by the amounts they say is there waiting for you. Spain does not operate under no win no fee, and to get a case to court will much more time than this lot would have you believe. The other fact to take into consideration is the name given as a director for all the timeshare companies CLC, Silverpoint, Diamond etc, is the same, Kevin Baker or Kevin Balker, who pleads guilty every time.
For more information on the other articles search Litigious Abogados in the search box at the top right of the page.
Remember, do you homework, if you are not sure contact Inside Timeshare and we will point you in the right direction.
The post Litigious Abogados: The Family Gets Bigger! appeared first on Inside Timeshare.