A new website and company has just been brought to our attention, Timeshare Solutions Group Limited. They have a Scottish Company registration number SC537799 and their registered address is 1 Kenmore Street, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. PH15 2BL. The registered owner and Director is Ms Melanie Simmons.
The company was registered on 13 June 2016 so is only a couple of months old. The website http://www.timesharesolutionsgroup.com/
Was registered on 12 February 2016, no details of who the registrar is.
According to the website they deal with timeshare claims and disposal, citing the Supreme Court ruling declaring certain aspects of timeshare to be illegal. In one piece they actually state that you might be eligible for compensation, as your week may cease to exist. This in itself does pose the question is it a scare tactic to elicit clients?
On the homepage, they also state that their team of “industry experts” will consider your case for the possibility of legal cancellation and or compensation. Nowhere on the site do they say who they are working for or what law firms they work with. The whole thing looks like it has been set up to create leads. As yet we do not know if they are cold calling.
Back in July Inside Timeshare published an article on Solutions Group from Tenerife, could this new company be linked? So far no evidence has come to light, so it is just speculation.
The important thing to consider here is very simple, this company has only been registered since June, they mention their “team of industry experts”, are these ex-timeshare sales people? If so, then one has to ask are they just getting on the bandwagon of claims? Are they ex-sales people because many of the sales sections at many timeshare resorts are laying people off? Or even are they just out to make a quick buck?
As usual, Inside Timeshare urges caution, especially when it comes to very new companies or ones that have similar names to ones with rather questionable pasts. Remember to do your homework and carry out due diligence, if you are not sure, don´t do it. If you have been in contact with this company, Inside Timeshare would like to hear from you, in this way we can keep everyone informed of any new developments.
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