Here we are the start of the year, maintenance fees have been paid and the complaints from Anfi members are already on the discussion forums. What are these complaints about?
Very simple, availability.
For those with Floating Weeks they don’t seem to be able to book the times they want, even though they are trying to book at least 10 months in advance. Makes you wonder what they have paid for!
One poster has stated they have been trying to book for October, November or December and require 2 weeks, nothing available, fully booked.
Another comment actually says it all.
“What’s the point of having a week at Anfi when you can’t book anything as it’s already booked up?”
One owner of around 17 years has had the same problem since they changed from a fixed week to the floating system, they are now so fed up that they are not getting what they want, they want out.
So what is the problem, why are these people unable to get the dates they require?
Simply put, it is the floating weeks and points systems, with the original fixed week, fixed apartment system you were guaranteed the holiday at the time you originally chose. You could exchange your week for a different one by using the internal exchange system or even using one of the major exchange companies such as RCI, Interval International or Dial an Exchange.
The resort could only sell 51 weeks of each apartment, so that put a cap on the number of owners / members. With the floating weeks and points systems you become a member of a vacation club, with a limitless number of members, or more members than apartments and weeks available. Hence no availability.
This is the main reason the Supreme Court has ruled that these systems of floating weeks and points are illegal, there is no substance or guarantee of getting what you have paid for or been promised. Yet you are still obliged to pay each and every years maintenance fees!
These are just comments made on public forums, you just have to wonder what the complaints are like on the closed groups.
Have you had problems such as this, whether at Anfi or any other resort that uses the floating weeks or points system, if so Inside Timeshare would like to hear from you.
If you require any information or advice on any of the articles published then contact Inside Timeshare and we will point you in the right direction.
The post The Natives are Restless! appeared first on Inside Timeshare.