Welcome to our first article of the week, once again it is a warning about the “fake” law firms that are operating out of Tenerife, ADN Alberto Dlendro Nabalez, Litigacionesespaña SL and Litigaciones SL, all part of the Litigious Abogados family.
This information has been supplied by one of our readers who has been contacted by them, but there is now a new aspect to how they are operating. As we have explained before, the initial contact is to inform the owner of a pending court case against their timeshare resort / company, now to be part of this action, a “procurator” fee is required to be paid by bank transfer. The case was to be against Marriott Marbella Beach Resort and Marriott Son Antem SL, with the director being named as Marcos Row, ( we wonder if this is a play on Mark Rowe). The case was lodged on 9 October 2018 and a hearing set for 30 October at 12.20pm in Court No 5 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Very quick indeed. It must also be pointed out that Marriott did not sell in Tenerife, only Marbella and Mallorca, so any cases would need to be brought at those respective courts, not in Tenerife.
Now our reader refused to pay this fee, and told them they were not interested, then on 31 October they received an email from Litigaciones SL, another “fake” firm informing them that the court case had been heard and they had been awarded over £34,000 by the court. All this even though they did not pay the initial “procurator” fee!
This award is to be paid by bank transfer or personal cheque, once they receive confirmation from the court that the funds can be released. No doubt there is going to be an “tax” which needs to be paid first, going by the previous accounts we have received this is going to be around 20% of the awarded amount.
The “Procurator” is named as Miguel Cioban Alinas with the address
Calle Las Guarras No. 2, Edificio, Tijeras, 269, Santa Cruz, Tenerife
Which does not come up on any searches, so is more than likely a fake address.
He also has the following website
Registered on 1 October 2018 and is due to expire on 1 October 2019, once again only registered a few weeks ago and running for only 1 year, the registrant is again hidden by a privacy company.
They also give the email address as
procuradores-alinas@europe.com yet another free email provider. The website provides no telephone number and gives very little information.
The account where the fees should be transferred is in the name of Miquel Cioban Alinas, it is a branch of BBVA, with the bank address of Parque Santiago, 2, 38660, Santa Cruz De Tenerife, there is a bank at this address although it should be Parque Santiago,2 38660, Arona, Tenerife.
The IBAN number is ES96 0182 5928 1002 0158 0390
We do know that at least 25 other owners have been contacted with this same case, Inside Timeshare does have the names, but as yet we are unable to trace them.
Below are PDF files of all the documents received by our reader, they are all “FAKE” including the court document. If you have had a call or received any similar documents via email, please note they are a very sophisticated fraud, they are also very similar to the documents all the other incarnations this group has been using over the past 3 years. Each incarnation runs for only around 3 to 4 months before a new name appears.
Prevous articles
If you have received any calls, emails with documents which resemble these, then use our contact page and get in touch, do not pay anything, you will never see any of the money again.
Remember, doing your homework first will save your hard earned cash.
The post Start the Week: More Information On Fake Law Firms appeared first on Inside Timeshare.