We have received enquiries regarding another Law Firm that claims the client has a substantial amount of money due to be paid to them, unfortunately from our research the CIF numbers, do not match the law firms name or the companies name, neither does the address match that of a genuine law firm.
The name of the “law firm” is Cárdenas Abogados, the CIF Number given is B93597839 which is one we have come across before, it actually belongs to Victoria Services Legal SL, with the address:
C/ Centro Comercial Los Jarales Local 1, Suite 29651 (Mijas) Málaga
These are the details given on the letterhead sent to one of our readers:
Cárdenas Abogados
Calle Nuestra Señora de Gracia, 7 1C,
29602, Marbella, Malaga
Company Reg (CIF) – B93597839
We have also found two websites
With registration details hidden when checking whois,
The other website is cardenasabogados.es but unfortunately it will not link to this page.
No registration details can be found for this website either.
Both websites show no company details or registration numbers, no lawyers details or bar association numbers. Although on Google Street View there is an office which can be seen with the name of the firm and the website being visible on the window. The office is located on the first floor on the corner of Calle Alonso de Bazán and Calle Virgen del Pilar Marbella.
This may very well be a genuine law firm but the lack of details on the website does make it look suspicious.
There is another company name and address at the foot of the letter:
Tenco Marketing SL, CIF B93374304, C/ Centro Comercial Los Jarales Local 1, Suite 122 Mijas Costa Málaga Spain.
Again both CIF Number and address do not match the company registered with that number:
Autobahn 2015 SL, C/ Veronica 9 Mijas Costa Malaga. According to company records this company is in the business of Construction and Development and has been registered for around 5 years.
We have located a law firm called Bufete Internacional Cardeñas Abogados SLP, based in Sevilla, with the CIF Number B90397662. No website for this company has yet been found.
The letter names a “lawyer” Marijo Dujmovic (not very Spanish is it?) and is also signed by him, according to this letter our reader is set to receive over £26,000 on or before 20 March. The lawyer is to charge the client over £6,000 with an advance fee of over £2,000, with the balance due 5 working days after the services have ceased.
This letter was sent via email from the following email address:
As you can see it is a standard free gmail service which anyone can sign up for and not linked to any website.
The following section also does not seem to make sense considering that there is a fee already quoted:
6. Lawyer will charge for all activities undertaken in providing legal services to Client under thisAgreement, including but not limited to, the following: conferences, court sessions, and depositions. Preparation and participation; correspondence and legal documents review and preparation; legal Research; and telephone conversations. When two or more of Lawyers personnel are engaged in Working on the matter at the same time, such as in conferences between them, the time of each will Be charged at his or her hourly rate.
Now the letter itself is not on any official looking headed paper, it is a word document with a picture of a gavel and scales, the picture is linked to Bing, so the image is just a standard one downloaded from the internet, so the whole thing has just been cobbled together.
Just on these finding alone we can safely assume that this is another scam, there is no money, they are not a law firm, the addresses are very familiar and the Modus Operandi is also very, very familiar, see links below for the original articles.
Once again this shows that you must be absolutely vigilant when it comes to any “firm” contacting you with news that you have been awarded substantial amount of money in “compensation”.
If you have been contacted by any of the companies named here, or are suspicious of any others that have contacted you with a similar story, then use our contact page and let us know. Inside Timeshare will help you find out if they are indeed genuine, but the chances are they are going to be an absolute scam!
The post Has Another Genuine Law Firm Had Their Identity Stolen? appeared first on Inside Timeshare.