Welcome to another instalment of the Silverpoint Exposed saga, we are now coming very close to the conclusion of our little series or should we say our script for the next Hollywood Blockbuster!
It is a fact the immense funds that created the group of companies were primarily funded by the sales organisation of Silverpoint Vacations, formerly Resort Properties. For many years our friend Kwang Sim flew back and forth running the company as the shadow director on behalf of Bob Trotta, holding regular meetings with the legal team and accounts managers. Inside Timeshare has uncovered an enormous amount of evidence which shows that the local leaders had no idea what was happening all around them and were being used as puppets.

Bob Trotta and Kwang Boon Sim
During the run-up to the “big escape” of Kwang Sim, he began to very carefully and meticulously disguised his involvement, moving others who were unsuspecting into the firing line. A sign of a true coward which was also in direct conflict with his “public persona” of a “caring and religious man”. Kwang is reportedly terrified that his “flock” of Mormons will discover his double life. In fact, his life would not be out of keeping with a West End musical, in the same way, the “Book of Mormon” has on both sides of the pond. Kwang Sim’s performance as a “man of the cloth” yet hiding his real dubious behaviour would definitely be worthy of a “Tony award” the theatre equivalent of an Oscar!

Now on to Alex Lawson, he appears to be taking Alvarez, The Limora Group and the Bank into a very dark chapter of potential conspiracy. He is slowly but surely working his way into all the companies and appointing himself as director. Although he is very careful to keep out of the Spanish companies where there are serious issues, he places himself and his co-liquidator Paul Pretlove into directorship roles where he creates his plan to instigate insolvencies, using this very fluid 42 million of debt.
This money was moved along and up the chain and has gone all around the houses to suit the group, now the same people are using the funds as justification to close companies and throw the hard-working teams within each one onto the streets.

Wherever possible, they are even attempting to avoid costly redundancy payments, all so the Trotta’s can keep even more money and ultimately, Alvarez can earn even more in fees!
It is often the case that it is the little people who will suffer and in this case, it is obviously no different. Local management is trying to fight for their rights, but this is a “David and Goliath” type of situation. All we can hope for is as in the fable, David is triumphant and the bullies are stopped. Well come on, I mean how many millions does one need to inherit in order to be Happy?
As for the Trotta family, they are extremely worried they will get caught out but hope the bank and Alvarez know what they are doing. We are not so sure!
Jennifer Trotta Campbell lives with husband Doug Campbell who as we stated previously was at one point the Groups CEO reporting directly to his father in law and Kwang Sim. He watched the creation of the complex web of companies that exists today.
He left the company in 2007, apparently no longer able to take the pressure of the group’s structure and the tyrannical leadership of Bob Trotta. He, his wife Jennifer and the sister Erin Westfall all live in Colorado, USA and enjoy fabulous wealth, all courtesy of Daddies money.
On top of that, they now intend to screw over hundreds of innocent people who helped their family create their enormous wealth. This type of greed, unfortunately, is all too common, but we do have it from very reliable sources that the authorities in Europe and the United States are watching very carefully along with legal teams building cases to strip the Trotta family of their wealth.
Ragni Trotta herself has homes in Norway and Italy, with the Trotta children owning millions in real estate in the United States. We also have it on good authority that these legal teams are dauntlessly building the cases against all of them and are extremely confident they will be stripped of this wealth in the coming period.
We will keep watching and ready to inform you the reader of any updates and developments in this story which really does read like a script for a Hollywood movie but in real life greed almost always has a way of catching up with you, ESPECIALLY when you try to screw over innocent people. As they say, “The bad guys never win in the end”!
Join us again on Monday for the sixth and final episode in this the first series of a remarkable and unbelievable story.
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