Welcome to the start of another week at Inside Timeshare, we begin with Part Six of The Truth Behind Silverpoint Exposed, which we have been publishing for the past few weeks. This is a story of epic proportions, worthy of a Hollywood Blockbuster movie, it is full of behind the scenes financial manipulation and the moving of millions of euros from one account to another in order to hide and save the Trotta family fortune. It is a story of a family at war with itself wracked with greed, with the wife Ragni Trotta being left out of the will. All this at the expense of the hundreds of consumers who have purchased into their products and are now set to lose everything.
Over the years Silverpoint and before them Resort Properties duped consumers into purchasing “packs” of weeks as investments, with the promise of rental income and a resale program after two years with a substantial profit to be made on these resales. But as we already know, there was no resale program, just more lies to get the unsuspecting consumer to upgrade and purchase even more to secure the “investments” they have already paid for.
We have seen this progress to the “Company Participation Scheme”, which is exactly the same as the original “investment weeks” apart from the fact the “apartments” are now registered as Spanish SL or limited companies. The promise is the same, an annual income from rentals and then the prospect of selling the “shares” at a later date.
We already know that no one has been paid any rental for last year, we also know that there is no money to pay out these rental dividends. What has been paid out has come from new “investors” purchasing into the scheme, a classic take from Peter to pay Paul, or it could be called a “Ponzi” scheme.

As we have already seen from the previous articles, vast amounts of money have been moved around the numerous companies set up by Bob Trotta and Kwang Boon Sim in the guise of “intercompany loans”, tax evasion and then spirited away into the Trotta family fortune. All at the expense of you the consumer.
It is a very interesting fact that most of the local staff that worked in various companies around the world were not even aware of how the group was structured, or even how the finances operated. It is also a fact that had the bank and the family done the right thing by their loyal team of workers and their customers most would have been quite happy. Clients would have had good products and resorts with Doug Campbell, his wife Jennifer Campbell, Ragni Trotta and Erin Trotta Westfall could have enjoyed a wonderful future.
The Bank could most of likely been able to close the trust, distributing the wealth to the family… What they have not bargained for was the ineptitude and bully tactics of Alex Lawson. It appears that Alex Lawson is so eager to prove himself to his Alvarez colleagues that he is marauding around the world using aggressive tactics against everyone in his path.

He has a complete lack of compassion and with a blinkered outlook on how his decisions affect circumstances elsewhere in the group, he is creating a trail of destruction and is now coming into full view of claims companies and legal teams all over the world.
It is now very likely the end result of the whole program will be Alvarez and Marsal earn a fortune in fees, the Trotta family end up with nothing with the prospect of ending up in jail, the bank losing their license with the possibility of seeing its team members facing charges and the hundreds of consumers losing everything they have purchased.

This is by no means the end of our little story, this is only series one, we have already heard from several readers who have travelled to Tenerife to take their holidays at The Paramount – Club Paradiso. They have told us of not being able to gain admittance to the resort, being moved to other locations and in some cases being charged to stay. On the subject of the staff, our readers have told us that they have seen them crying as they are unable to do anything to help and now know they are unlikely to get paid. The fall out of the “liquidation” plan being put into action by Alex Lawson is already taking its toll!
Have you purchased any product from Silverpoint, do you want to know where you stand legally?
Would you like to know if you have a legal case to take to court, have your contracts declared null and void and the return of your purchase price?
If you would like further information on these and any other questions, then use our contact page and let us know what when and where you purchased, Inside Timeshare will get back to you and point you in the right direction.

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