Welcome to the latest edition of The Tuesday Slot, as we know Irene Parker has received a subpoena to disclose emails and other documents which she lists in the article. This is a blatant attempt by Diamond Resorts to attack a volunteer who works hard to help others resolve their timeshare disputes, as we all know Irene receives no payment whatsoever for the work she does, neither do any of the other volunteers who have stepped forward to take some of the pressure away from Irene. Please support Irene in whatever way you can.
One thing that Inside Timeshare finds very sad with all this is that a company wants to subpoena one of their own customers, especially to silence one that refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
The Subpoena Diamond Resorts sent to me, a volunteer

By Irene Parker
August 9, 2019
Instead of Diamond Resorts, and other developers, acknowledging that they may have a few bad apples, the timeshare lobby ARDA, in cooperation with several developers, has raised $50 million to crush timeshare exit companies, legitimate law firms providing timeshare relief services, and my 81-year-old husband and me.
The Orlando Sentinel supporting Diamond Resorts:
HotelBusiness supporting the consumer:
To The Editor:
As a hotel owner and operator, and as an attorney who has represented hotel owners and operators since 1988, I am a regular reader of your publication. At the end of the Mike Flaskey opinion piece, [which appeared in the July 15 issue], you requested comments.
While Mr. Flaskey provides helpful advice for avoiding scams, he and ARDA have chosen to ignore the underlying problem. People wouldn’t become prey for scammers if the companies selling timeshares provided them with a reasonable means of exiting.
There are many reasons people want to sell or otherwise exit; it could be age, changed financial circumstances, changed family circumstances, or simply dissatisfaction with the product that was represented at the time of the high-pressure sales pitch.
(Inside Timeshare article – Six out of eight Legacy Resorts owners have no exit, even for those over the age of 80. A seventh contacted me just before publication, over 80 and disabled, unable to travel.) https://insidetimeshare.com/fridays-letter-from-america-62/
For Mr. Flaskey to end his opinion piece with the claim, “When people invest in vacations, they invest in happiness and a lifetime of memories,” is to be disingenuous. If timeshare ownership is as picture-perfect as he portrays it, people wouldn’t be getting scammed; people are getting scammed because of their desperation over the inability to find a means to sell or exit their timeshare. – Bill Bowen

I work over 40 volunteer hours per week providing straight answers to about 35 callers per week. I have never been compensated and I have nothing whatsoever to do with a lawsuit Diamond Resorts filed against a Florida law firm. Diamond attempted to subpoena the documents listed below.
This is evidence of extreme retaliation because I listened and responded to over 700 Diamond Resort members as they reported unfair and deceptive sales practices. In 2016 and 2017, the Arizona Attorney General’s investigators listened to over 900 complaints from Diamond members, according to what an investigator told one of our member-sponsored Diamond Facebook members.
At last year’s Whistleblower Summit and Film Festival held in Washington D.C., I learned that I am a whistleblower. Most whistleblowers are employees, offered some protection thanks to whistleblower laws. At this year’s Summit, I learned laws protecting whistleblowers often fall short. As an individual, I have no protections, save my readers and supporting members of the legal community.
On Tuesday Charles published my highlights from the 8th Annual Whistleblower Summit & Film Festival held the last week of July. My panel discussed ethics and resiliency after retaliation. https://insidetimeshare.com/the-tuesday-slot-42/
There is no question in my mind Diamond’s intentions are to file a SLAPP lawsuit against me. I am guilty of four of the six points below. According to ACLU Ohio:
A large, well-funded organization may be SLAPPed, but more often, individuals with fewer resources are the victims of SLAPP suits.
Examples of Actions Which Have Resulted in SLAPPs: 2
- Writing letters to the editor
- Circulating flyers or petitions
- Participating in a demonstration
- Filing complaints with a government agency
- Commenting at public hearings
- Filing legal claims or lawsuits
This example of retaliation goes beyond the call of Pro Bono legal representation so I will be launching a GoFundMe as soon as I receive the narrower in scope subpoena. I have already received a multitude of pledges of support.
Subpoena directed to: Irene Parker who is not a party, to produce the items listed at the time and place specified in the attached Subpoena.
DATED this 10th day of July 2019.
Filing # 92298657 E-Filed 07/10/2019 09:16:51 AM
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that after ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice, if service is by facsimile or hand delivery, or fifteen (15) days from the date of service, if service is by mail, and if no objection is received from any party, the undersigned will issue or apply to the Clerk of this Court for issuance of the attached Subpoena directed to: Irene Parker who is not a party, to produce the items listed at the time and place specified in the attached Subpoena.
Brandon T. Crossland, Esq. Fla. Bar No. 0021542 Primary email: bcrossland@bakerlaw.com Secondary email: jdorn@bakerlaw.com orlbakerdocket@bakerlaw.com Christa C. Turner, Esq. Fla Bar No. 0076627 Primary email: cturner@bakerlaw.com Secondary email: psalemi@bakerlaw.com BAKER & HOSTETLER LLP SunTrust Center, Suite 2300 200 South Orange Avenue Post Office Box 112 (32802) Orlando, Florida 32801 Telephone: 407.649.4000 Telecopier: 407.841.016 8 Attorneys for Plaintiff
I hereby certify that on July 10, 2019, I electronically filed the foregoing document with the Clerk of the Court by using the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal, which will send a Notice of Electronic
1. The term “document” or “documents” refers to any printed, written, taped, recorded, graphic, electronic, computer materials, or other tangible or intangible matter, from whatever source, however produced or reproduced, whether in draft or otherwise, whether sent or received, or neither, which contains information or from which information can be obtained and which is in Your possession, custody or control, including, but not limited to, the original, a copy (if the original is not available), and all non-identical copies (whether different from the original because of notes made on or attached to such copy or otherwise) of any and all writings, correspondence, letters, telegrams, cables, telexes, facsimiles, emails, text messages, contracts, proposals, agreements, minutes, acknowledgments, notes, memoranda, analyses, projections, work papers, books, forecasts or appraisals, papers, records, reports, diaries, statements, questionnaires, schedules, computer programs or data, books of account, calendars, graphs, charts, transcripts, tapes, or recordings, photographs, pictures or film, ledgers, registers, work sheets, summaries, digests, financial statements, pictures, videos, audio recordings, and all other information where data, records or compilations can be obtained, including all underlying, supporting or preparatory material now in Your possession, custody or control. The term “document” or “documents” specifically includes documents kept by individuals in their desks, at home or elsewhere.
2. The term “computer materials” shall mean any and all files from any personal computer, notebook or laptop computer, file server, minicomputer, main-frame computer, or other storage device, including, but not limited to, hard drive disk drives or backup or retrieved electronic information, including, but not limited to email. All relevant files that are still on the storage media, but are identified as “erased but recoverable,” are to be included.
3. The term “copy” when used in reference to a document means any color, or black or white facsimile reproduction of a document, regardless of whether the facsimile reproduction is made by means of carbon papers, pressure-sensitive paper, xerography or other means or process.
4. The term “communication” or “communicate” means any writing, or oral conversation, including, but not limited to, telephone conversations and meetings, letters, emails, text messages, emails, telegraphic and telex communications, and includes all information
relating to all oral communications and “documents” ( as hereinabove defined), whether or not any such document, or the information contained therein, was transmitted by its author to any
other person.
5. The term “person” means any natural person, any employer, any business entity (whether a corporation, partnership, or other business association), any government or political
subdivision thereof, or governmental body, commission board, agency, bureau or department.
6. “Lawsuit” means the lawsuit filed by DRC against Finn Law Group, P.C., Finn Law Group, P.A., and Michael Finn in the Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida and
bearing Case No. 2017-CA-006199-O.
7. “You”, “Your”, and “Parker” means Irene Parker and your agents, representatives, directors, officers, members, employees, attorneys, accountants, predecessors, successors, assignors or assignees, and anyone else acting on its behalf or subject to your control.
8. “DRC” means Diamond Resorts Corporation and its agents, representatives, directors, officers, members, employees, attorneys, accountants, predecessors, successors, assignors or assignees, and anyone else acting on its behalf or subject to its control.
49. “Finn” means Finn Law Group, P.C., Finn Law Group, P.A., and Michael Finn and their agents, representatives, directors, officers, members, employees, attorneys, accountants, predecessors, successors, assignors or assignees, and anyone else acting on their behalf or subject to his control.
10. “Diamond Customers” means any individual(s) and/or entity that purchased, owns and/or holds a Vacation Ownership Timeshare Interest with Diamond Resorts Corporation, or
one of its separately named and operated affiliates, parents, or subsidiaries.
11. To the extent that You consider any of the following requests objectionable, respond to so much of each Request and part thereof, as is not objectionable in Your view and separately state that part of each Request as to which you raise objection and each ground for
such objection.
12. If You object to the identification of any document on the basis of attorney/client or work product privilege, identify the privilege claimed as well as each document for which such privilege is claimed, together with the following information with respect to each such document: a. Date; b. Sender; c. Addressee; d. Subject;
e. The basis on which the privilege is claimed; and f. The names of persons to who copies of any part of the document were furnished, together with an identification of their employer and their job titles.
13. You shall produce the documents requested herein as they are kept in the usual course of business or You shall organize and label them to correspond with the categories in the request.
1. Produce any and all contracts, agreements or any other arrangements between you and Finn.
2. Produce any and all contracts, agreements or any other arrangements between you and Finn regarding Diamond Customers.
3. Produce any and all engagement agreements between you and Finn wherein Finn agrees to provide you with legal services.
4. Produce any and all invoices, bills, or other requests for payment from Finn to you since January 1, 2015.
5. Produce any and all documents, checks, or bank statements evidencing any payment from you to Finn since January 1, 2015.
6. Produce any and all documents, checks, or bank statements evidencing any payment from Finn to you, whether direct or indirect, since January 1, 2015.
7. Produce any and all communications and emails between you and Finn regarding Diamond Customers from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018.
8. Produce any and all communications and emails between you and Finn regarding Finn’s solicitation of, a referral to Finn by you, or Finn’s potential representation of Diamond Customers from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018.
9. Produce any and all communications and emails between you and any Diamond Customers from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018.
10. Produce a list of Diamond Customers that were referred by you to Finn from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2018.
11. Excluding communications where you were requesting that Finn provide you with legal advice regarding articles, blogs, or social media posts that you have written, produce any and all communications and emails between you and Finn that relate to DRC, timeshare, or timeshare owners from March 1, 2015, to December 31, 2018.
12. Produce any and all communications and emails between you and Finn regarding the Lawsuit.
13. Produce all blogs, articles, editorials, commentaries, exposes, FaceBook posts, or other social media content written, in full or in part, by you from January 1, 2015, through the date of the Subpoena.
14. Produce any and all communications and emails between you and Inside Timeshare regarding Diamond Customers from March 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018.
15. Produce any and all communications between you and Greg Christ regarding DRC, timeshare, or timeshare owners from March 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018.
Page 7
Our Diamond Member-Sponsored Facebook has over 3,400 members.

We seek to provide Diamond Resort members with a way to proactively address membership concerns; to advocate for timeshare reform; to obtain greater disclosure from the company; to advocate for a viable secondary market, and to educate prospective buyers.
What the Diamond Resort Owners Advocacy Facebook is not:
If members join our Facebook only to express displeasure, they are better served by posting on Trip Advisor. While venting may make a person feel better, ranting on a complaint site will do nothing to change what we feel are unfair and deceptive business practices, as defined by the FTC and the FBI.
Timeshare Accountability Group
Timeshare Advocacy Group was launched by a small group of advocates concerned about the volume of timeshare complaints found on the internet directed against Wyndham, Bluegreen, Diamond Resorts, Westgate, Vacation Village and a few others. Disney Vacation Club has almost no complaints. Hilton and Marriott have few complaints.

We hope the lessons learned by consumers who purchased a timeshare product they did not understand will reach the general public so prospective timeshare buyers know what questions to ask before buying or upgrading a timeshare.
We hope the lessons learned by consumers who purchased a timeshare product they did not understand will reach the general public so prospective timeshare buyers know what questions to ask before buying or upgrading a timeshare.
TAG has also received Sell My Timeshare Now complaints. It has been widely reported Diamond points have no resale value, yet SMTN charges already financially distressed members $1499 to $1699 for ads to list points.
We don’t mind if industry insiders or Diamond employees join our Facebook as long as they are respectful. In fact, we encourage this hoping they will confront the serious problems we have uncovered.
Other Member-Sponsored Facebook pages and resources
Free at Last Facebook Straight-A Guide
Free at Last Timeshare Support Course offered by Straight-A-Guide
Bluegreen Facebook
Wyndham Facebook
Sapphire Starpoint New: https://www.facebook.com/login/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F292083584642570%2F%3Fref%3Dshare
Diamond Resort Facebook
Gold Key Facebook
Inside Timeshare Facebook Group
Thank you Irene, I am sure that once you launch the GoFundMe campaign many of our readers will be donating. What Inside Timeshare will say is this, Irene has worked tirelessly giving up her free time for this cause, please show your support and make a pledge now. Use our contact page and show your support.
The post The Tuesday Slot appeared first on Inside Timeshare.