Welcome to the start of another week at Inside Timeshare, today we highlight another new website that has been detected, Anfi-Illegal-Contracts. It is a very strange one indeed, having only just been registered on 17 August 2019, it does make some very extravagant claims, regarding the number of clients it has with cases in court and also the number of Supreme Court rulings made against timeshare companies, it also seems to focus purely on Anfi.
Anfi-Illegal-Contracts website:
Registered on 17 August 2019, it is due to expire on 17 August 2020, so straight away it does not build any feeling of confidence that this is genuine.
The registrar is Muhammad Rohail Hassan and is based in Pakistan and may only be the person contracted to build and register the website, not the actual person behind a dubious company.
While scrolling through the website there is a contact form which keeps appearing, it asks for your name, email address, telephone number and when you purchased your Anfi timeshare. There is also no reference to any company name or registration or even who the lawyers are supposed to be. The website itself looks as though it is purely a contact page which is phishing for your data and information, where it will end up at the moment no one knows!

According to the website they claim there have been 404 rulings made by the Supreme Court of Spain, which is a very far fetched claim as we know there are only 129, all brought by one law firm, Canarian Legal Alliance.
They also claim to have between 3 and 7 cases in court each week and have over 5500 clients going through the courts. This along with their claim that they have over 120 million euros worth of claims so far is what we would call a little bit of an over-exaggeration!
There are also three “client” reviews, one from the UK, one German and one Norwegian, all three mention the Anfi-Illegal-Timeshare-Contracts Lawyer Office, with the UK client saying they visited the office. Yet when we search for any company or office using this name, yes you guessed it, nothing shows up!

Inside Timeshare is making further enquiries into who might be behind this website and where your information will end up, but needless to say caution should be employed if you decide to fill in the contact form.
As and when more information comes to light we will publish it on Inside Timeshare. Tomorrow we publish yet another “Nightmare on Timeshare Street” story from Wyndhams Carriage Hill Resort in Canada.
So to all our UK readers have a wonderful Bank Holiday Monday and enjoy your heatwave.
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