Catching up with some of the news from last week, Canarian Legal Alliance look to be on a role, another four Supreme Court ruling have been announced. 2 November, they announce 3 rulings in one day, then on 11 November they announced another.
Again these ruling reaffirmed previous judgements from Spain’s Highest Court, contract over 50 years, Floating weeks and the taking of deposits during the cooling off period all ruled illegal, with the contracts being declared null and void. Just on these four alone a total of 95,570€ has been recovered.
CLA also announced the payout of 41,190€ by Anfi to their Finnish clients, the contract was also declared null and void. As the spokesperson for CLA confirmed, the courts are taking notice of the Supreme Court, sentences are coming through faster and the payments are also getting quicker.
It was also announced that Court No 5 of The First Instance in Tenerife, found for their British clients against Resort Properties / Silverpoint. In this judgement the court used the precedent of the contracts being over 50 years to make their ruling. The client will receive £17,476 plus legal interest, with the contract being declared null and void.
It certainly appears from the the way these judgements are coming in, the process is getting faster. With all the new cases this law firm has in various stages of the legal process, there will be many more being announced. At present, they seem to be announcing at least 3 rulings each week, sometimes more.
On another note, it has been publicised that Tolemex Ltd (Bridgewell Consultants Ltd), owning company of the Timeshare Consumers Association and the forum timesharetalk has officially filed to be “struck off” the companies register. So the company is being dissolved, the question is why?
We know that this company is part of the Monster family, with Mark Rowe being the sole director, we also know there is a move by the law firm Athena Law to bring a case against them for liable. Could this be a method to avoid it?
To add to this it was also announced that Monster Travel and (Hollywood Marketing SL) have also had their membership terminated with the Direct Marketing Authority. This comes after an investigation by the Direct Marketing Commission, who found they had breached the codes of conduct laid down by the DMA.
So the next question is what will happen to the TCA if the owning company is dissolved?
Who or what company will take control?
Is it the end for the TCA?
These questions may be answered sometime in the future, but until then we will keep watching and report it when the news breaks.
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