Inside Timeshare has recently received many enquiries from readers regarding Anfi Resales, which have been private sales either through resale companies, ebay or advertised in newspapers. Would they be better buying those rather than direct from Anfi?
As we know, timeshare does not have a great resale value, which many owners who have paid upwards of £15,000 for a basic week have found out. With this also comes very hefty charges for maintenance, which tends to rise each and every year.
For those who have purchased privately for very low amounts they have found they do not qualify for any of the benefits which Anfi add on for those who purchase on-site at Anfi. These services such as the Anfi Vacation Club are included in the price when purchasing direct from Anfi, they are not free as many have been led to believe. It is also the case the annual fees are higher for these purchases than for the resale weeks, as these services will be included in the annual fees.
What are these so-called benefits?
As a purchaser through Anfi Sales the following are part of the package:
- Anfi Vacation Club Membership (this allows for internal exchanges)
- Club and week exchanges (again internal exchanges)
- RCI Worldwide Exchanges (You can join RCI privately and exchange through them)
- Springfest 2 for 1 offers (very few and far between)
- Bonus Weeks (available through RCI anyway)
- Being able to bank or save weeks (Bank through RCI anyway)
- Members week offers (never available)
- Rental programme (only when available, very rare)
- Anfi buy-back (only when available, very rare)
- Discounts for on-site services (Restaurants, bars etc, prices are higher than off the resort anyway)
As you can see from the above, you are not actually getting anything for the higher price that you pay when purchasing direct.
Below are some examples of resale weeks advertised either privately or by resale companies.
These four are or have been posted on ebay and Timeshare Hypermarket, what needs to be remembered is that these prices are what the seller believes they can get, most of the time they will sell for a great deal less.
This is taken from a Norwegian resale website, a penthouse for week 3, sleeping 6. The price at the current exchange rate is 14,000€ this would sell on-site for upwards of 45,000€
Again this is the price that the owner and the resale company have agreed they believe they can get.
These two are advertised on a German resale website, Anfi Beach Club would sell for upwards of 15,000€, Club Monte Anfi for more. Again the prices shown are what the resale company and owner believe they can get, they will more than likely sell for a lot less.
So to answer the question is yes you are better off with a resale week, you can join RCI directly and receive the benefits of exchanges through them, purchase the bonus weeks that RCI offer, usually at a better price than Anfi would offer.
As for the so-called discounts, try going off resort to places like Patalavaca and Arguineguin where there is a wider selection of restaurants and bars at much more reasonable prices.
Then when you eventually decide it is no longer for you, you will not be making such a loss as the person you purchased from.
Remember the cost of the timeshare from any resort will always be more than it is actually worth. They do after all have large overheads like the sales staff and marketing costs, these are the bulk of the price that you pay. So if you can pick up weeks for as little as 1500 € which means Anfi over prices the weeks by 90 % ….which is also the reason why the maintenance fees are so high.
The post ANFI: Resale Vs On-site Purchase appeared first on Inside Timeshare.