More from across the Pond: Information from the NTOA.
Gregory Crist the CEO of the NTOA (National Timeshare Owners Association), will be making a presentation at the TBMA (Timeshare Board Members Association) in Tucson AZ, on 16 to 18 October. The...
View ArticleWhat a Week for CLA and Their Clients!
Once again those intrepid and tenacious lawyers from Canarian Legal Alliance have struck again, this week has seen another 4 victories for their clients in the Spanish lower courts and Supreme Court....
View ArticleMarriotts Face Charges of Racketeering.
Last week the Orlando Sentinel published a story that Marriott Vacation Club and First American Title Co. the trustee for Marriotts, are facing a class action lawsuit which alleges racketeering. It...
View ArticleTwenty Five Supreme Court Rulings and Rising.
Last week ended with another ruling from the Supreme Court, this week has seen yet another, bringing the total to 25. This is unprecedented in the Spanish Legal system, the latest is once again against...
View ArticleMayor of Mogan Under Investigation into the Anfi Tauro Beach Project.
Continuing on from the article published on 7 October, regarding the first prosecution of the head of the coastal authority, Nueva Canarias Mogan issued another twist. It now looks like the Mayor of...
View ArticleTrustees: Independent or Part of the Problem?
For many timeshare owners the belief is that the trustees who hold their ownership in trust are independent, but this does not appear to be the case. Information is coming to Inside Timeshare from...
View ArticleIrene Parker: Barclay Card and Timeshare in the USA.
Back in July Inside Timeshare published the article about Shawbrook Bank setting aside around £9 million, to cover defaults in loans issued by timeshare sales staff. It announced that the bank had not...
View ArticleLegal Updates and Other News
Last week ended with another Supreme Court ruling bringing the total now to 25. This particular judgement was against Palm Oasis which is in Maspalomas in Gran Canaria, it followed other rulings...
View ArticleTCA, TESS and Athena Law Locked in Conflict.
Since publishing the article TESS Vs The Monster back in August, there have been some new developments and Inside Timeshare has received enquiries from concerned consumers about the latest posts on the...
View ArticleMore News from Across the Pond
With the US Presidential election now coming to a close over the next week, Irene Parker, who collaborates with Inside Timeshare on matters which affect timeshare on both side of the Great Lake (or...
View ArticleMy Thought Today: End of October
So here we are the end of another month, we started October with news of a Supreme Court ruling which stated that “Fractional” was indeed timeshare. In this instance Puerto Calma, Holiday Club Finland...
View ArticleBBC Scotland Investigates the Problems of Timeshare Contracts.
On Monday 24 October BBC Scotland broadcast an investigation into the problems people have in getting out of their timeshare, especially the elderly. It highlighted an elderly retired couple from...
View ArticleAre the TCA Trying to Take Credit for Others Actions?
It was with great hilarity this morning that while searching the net as usual, for the latest news and blogs, Inside Timeshare came across the latest posting from the Timeshare Consumer Association. We...
View ArticleNews From America: Wyndham Launches New Surrender Program.
Carrying on with our theme of news from across the “Great Lake”, Irene Parker has again sent her article which will be of interest to timeshare owners in Europe, especially those who own in the USA....
View ArticleTCA: What are They Doing?
Following on from yesterday’s article 1 November, on the TCA appearing to take credit for another company’s actions, today they posted a rather scathing report on Anfi. Although Inside Timeshare agrees...
View ArticleLight Hearted end to the Week.
Over the past few weeks the articles published here on Inside Timeshare have been of a somewhat serious nature, so to end this first week of November Inside Timeshare is taking a light hearted view of...
View ArticleThe Peasant of Venice and the Queen of Versailles.
Irene Parker, has once again sent in an article with references to what in the US are important talking points. In this piece Irene gives her own experiences of a timeshare presentation, she also...
View ArticleOwners Data: A Battle for Control.
Inside Timeshare is publishing the following article from one of our readers. Edward has been following Inside Timeshare for some time and regularly contributes information he has found while...
View ArticleOwners Data: Update.
Inside Timeshare has received an email from Greg Crist, CEO of the NTOA in response to Edwards article yesterday on Owners Data. In his email Greg addresses the fact the developers community has been...
View ArticleDialogue: The Way Forward!
Today Inside Timeshare publishes another article submitted by Irene Parker, with the end of the election in the USA, Irene looks at the divide in the nation and how this also equates to the divide in...
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